Picproje Elektronik Sitesi

DERLEYİCİLER => Hi-Tech => Konuyu başlatan: salih18200 - 20 Temmuz 2007, 21:58:41

Başlık: Hi-tech c'de kesme lütfen!!!
Gönderen: salih18200 - 20 Temmuz 2007, 21:58:41
Arkadaşlar hi-tech te kesme uygulaması yapmak istiyorum o kadar araştırmama rağmen hiç bir sonuca ulaşamadım lütfen yardım edin.
Başlık: Hi-tech c'de kesme lütfen!!!
Gönderen: muuzoo - 20 Temmuz 2007, 22:33:07
HI-TECH sample klasöründen alıntdır.

#include <pic.h>

* Interrupt demo for PIC; wait for button press on RB0/INT,
* turn on a relay on another port bit for a period of time.
* For simplicity here, literal constants are used, usually these
* should be calculated with compile-time arithmetic.

#define RELAY RB4 // use this bit to drive relay

static unsigned int relay_timer; // timer value for relay driver

/* setup stuff */

RELAY = 1; // ensure relay is off before enabling output
TRISB = 0x03; // Port B bits 7 and 6 are output

OPTION = 0b00000111;
TRISB = 0b00000011;

RBPU = 0; // Use internal pullups
T0IE = 1; // Enable interrupt on TMR0 overflow
INTEDG = 1; // falling edge trigger the interrupt
INTE = 1; // enable the external interrupt
GIE = 1; // Global interrupt enable
CLRWDT(); // Idly kick the dog

static void interrupt
isr(void) // Here be interrupt function - the name is unimportant.
if(T0IF) { // timer interrupt
PORTB ^= 4;
if(relay_timer){// is the relay timer running?
relay_timer--; // decrement it
PORTB |= 8;
RELAY = 1; // turn the relay off
PORTB &= ~8; // toggle a bit to say we're alive
T0IF = 0; // clear the interrupt flag
if(INTF) { // did we see a button press?
RELAY = 0; // turn the relay on
relay_timer = 16; // start the timer - 16 timeouts ~ 1 second
INTF = 0; // clear the interrupt