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DERLEYİCİLER => Diğer Derleyiciler => KEIL => Konuyu başlatan: z - 20 Mart 2012, 00:02:33

Başlık: Keil MDK-ARM Lite Edition hakkinda
Gönderen: z - 20 Mart 2012, 00:02:33

Programs that generate more than 32 Kbytes of code and data will not compile, assemble, or link. The debugger supports programs that are 32 Kbytes or smaller.

The compiler does not generate a disassembly listing of the machine code generated. The -S, --asm, and --interleave compiler command-line  options are disabled.

The compiler and assembler do not generate position-independent code or data. The --apcs /ropi /rwpi /pic/ pid compiler and assembler command line options are disabled.

The assembler and linker create Symbolic Output Format objects which cannot be linked with third-party linker utilities. Fully licensed tools generate standard ELF/DWARF files which may be used with third-party utilities.

The linker does not accept scatter-loading description files for sophisticated memory layouts. The --scatter command line option is disabled.

The base address for the code and constants in memory must be 0x000080000, 0x000100000, 0x000200000, 0x000300000, 0x000400000, 0x010400000, 0xXX000000, or 0xXX800000 (where XX is a Hexadecimal number from 00-FF). When the base address is 0x0 the linker places the code at the start of on-chip Flash of most ARM processor-based microcontrollers.