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DERLEYİCİLER => Proton+ => Konuyu başlatan: buntger - 03 Haziran 2013, 13:48:51

Başlık: How Change the ASCII character To a number?
Gönderen: buntger - 03 Haziran 2013, 13:48:51
I would like to know How Change the ASCII character To A number What Command!!
The Bascom or Basic have the command "ASC"

Action (ASC)
Assigns a numeric variable with the ASCII value of the first character of a string.

Var = ASC(String)
Var     = Target numeric variable that is assigned (Integer).
String = String variable or constant from which to retrieve the ASCII value(String).

Dim Text As String * 21


I Want:
Character Text ASCII = Numeric
H= 072
e= 101
l= 108
l= 108
o= 111