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SERBEST BÖLGE => Kariyer ve Kişisel Gelişim => Yabancı Dil Eğitimi => Konuyu başlatan: XNHCX - 01 Şubat 2006, 23:40:05

Başlık: Esl Pro English Phonetics
Gönderen: XNHCX - 01 Şubat 2006, 23:40:05
Esl Pro English Phonetics


Alıntı YapESL PRO uses a phonetic approach to teaching students how to speak the English language properly. ESL PRO accelerates learning by teaching the key sounds that make up the English language. The student is then taught how to combine these sounds into words and sentences. The software provides the learner with native-speaker models to listen to and imitate. Students are able to record their voices and then compare the result with a native speaker's voice. As they practice each lesson and build on prior lessons, their English speaking skills will continue to improve.
