ASM kodunu jalv2 koduna çevirme

Başlatan myders, 09 Aralık 2014, 13:02:12


Asm kodunu jalv2 koduna çeviren bir program varmı?


Şu anda bu iyi en iyi iki dilide iyi bilen bir insan yapabilir. Ama çok nadir ikisi bir araya gelir. Programın yapması zor çünkü derlemeden sonra çoğu program kendine göre kod üretir ve bu kodlar çok değişkendir ki doğrudan insanın yazdığını girmiyorum bile...


Sayın hocam siz asm kodunu jal a çevirebilirmisiniz?

Gökhan BEKEN

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Buyrun Hocam asm kodları...

list       F=inhx8m, P=16F1937, R=hex, N=0
#include; PIC definitions
__config _config2,_LVP_ON  & _BORV_27 & _STVREN_OFF & _PLLEN_OFF & _VCAPEN_OFF & _WRT_OFF
Errorlevel -302, -224
; Definitions -------------------------------------------------------------

#define Out_4_Pin portd,1
#define Out_3_Pin portd,0
#define Out_2_Pin portc,3
#define Out_1_Pin portc,2

; RAM preserved -----------------------------------------------------------
   cblock 0x20
; Conastants --------------------------------------------------------------
PressThreshold_H      equ      b'00000000' ; This is the Press Threshold Constant pair (PressThreshold_H:PressThreshold_L).
PressThreshold_L      equ      b'00010110' ; Increasing this 16-bit value, decreased button sensitivity and opposite
ReleaseThreshold_L      equ      b'00000101'   ; This is the Release threhold value. Increasing this 8-bit value increases the hysteresis
                                 ; for button release. It must be less than PressThreshold_L, otherwise the button will never be released

; Program Memory ----------------------------------------------------------
                org     0
                goto    Init
; Interrupt Service Routine -----------------------------------------------
                org     4               ; ISR beginning
;            btfss intcon,TMR0IF      ; Check if int called from TMR0 overflow
;            retfie               ; If not (most unlikely) then return. Enable these lines
                              ; only if you modify the program to handle more interrupts.

            btfsc t1gcon,t1gval      ; Check the state of the toggle FF of Tmr1 Gate
            goto ButtonCheckEnds   ; If is SET, means that it was LOW when TMR0 overflowed
                              ; So TMR1 did not count. So return

            BCF T1CON,TMR1ON      ; Stop Timer1 - Not really nessecary
            movf TMR1L,w         ; Save its contents
            movwf CountL         ;
            movf TMR1H,w         ;
            movwf CountH         ;

            movf CPSCON1,w         ; Check CPSCON1 which holds
            btfsc zero            ; the right channel curently active
            goto Cap_Check_Ch_1      ; Then, go to the appropriate routine
            movwf PassArg1         ;
            decf PassArg1,f         ;
            btfsc zero            ;
            goto Cap_Check_Ch_2      ;
            decf PassArg1,f         ;
            btfsc zero            ;
            goto Cap_Check_Ch_3      ;

Cap_Check_Ch_4                     ; Check routine for channel 4 (all 4 are identical)
            clrf CPSCON1         ; Prepare capacitance module to check channel 0 next time
            movf CapCh4_H,w         ; Check the value of CapCh4_H and CapCh4_L
            addwf CapCh4_L,w      ; If both are 0x00, this means that this channel is
            btfsc zero            ; tested for the first time. So go to the Initializing routine
            goto IsFirstTime_4      ; of this channel to acquire initial values

            movf CountH,w         ; Otherwise, check if the current count for this channel
            movwf passarg1         ; is less than the Press Threshold Value calculated
            movf CapCh4_L,w         ; in the initializing routine
            subwf CountL,w         ;
            btfss carry            ;
            decf passarg1,f         ;
            movf CapCh4_H,w         ;
            subwf passarg1,f      ;
            btfss carry            ;
            goto $+2            ;
            goto $+3            ;
            bsf Out_4_Pin         ; If it is, then enable appropriate output!
            goto ButtonCheckEnds
            movf CapCh4_L,w         ; If not, then it could be released. Check again, but this
            addlw ReleaseThreshold_L; time ADD the Release Threshold, to achieve hysteresis
            subwf CountL,w         ;
            btfss carry            ;
            decf CountH,f         ;
            movf CapCh4_H,w         ;
            subwf CountH,w         ;
            btfsc carry            ; If the count is above the Press Threshold PLUS the
            bcf Out_4_Pin         ; Release Threshold, then the4 button is released!
            goto ButtonCheckEnds
                              ; All routines for button check are identical with the above
                              ; No need for additional comments

Cap_Check_Ch_3                     ; Check routine forchannel 3
            incf CPSCON1,f          ; Prepare capacitance module to check channel 3 next time
            movf CapCh3_H,w
            addwf CapCh3_L,w
            btfsc zero
            goto IsFirstTime_3
            movf CountH,w
            movwf passarg1
            movf CapCh3_L,w
            subwf CountL,w
            btfss carry
            decf passarg1,f
            movf CapCh3_H,w
            subwf passarg1,f
            btfss carry
            goto $+2
            goto $+3
            bsf Out_3_Pin
            goto ButtonCheckEnds
            movf CapCh3_L,w
            addlw ReleaseThreshold_L
            subwf CountL,w
            btfss carry
            decf CountH,f
            movf CapCh3_H,w
            subwf CountH,w
            btfsc carry
            bcf Out_3_Pin
            goto ButtonCheckEnds
Cap_Check_Ch_2                     ; Check routine forchannel 2
            incf CPSCON1,f          ; Prepare capacitance module to check channel 2 next time
            movf CapCh2_H,w
            addwf CapCh2_L,w
            btfsc zero
            goto IsFirstTime_2
            movf CountH,w
            movwf passarg1
            movf CapCh2_L,w
            subwf CountL,w
            btfss carry
            decf passarg1,f
            movf CapCh2_H,w
            subwf passarg1,f
            btfss carry
            goto $+2
            goto $+3
            bsf Out_2_Pin
            goto ButtonCheckEnds
            movf CapCh2_L,w
            addlw ReleaseThreshold_L
            subwf CountL,w
            btfss carry
            decf CountH,f
            movf CapCh2_H,w
            subwf CountH,w
            btfsc carry
            bcf Out_2_Pin
            goto ButtonCheckEnds
Cap_Check_Ch_1                     ; Check routine forchannel 1
            incf CPSCON1,f          ; Prepare capacitance module to check channel 1 next time
            movf CapCh1_H,w
            addwf CapCh1_L,w
            btfsc zero
            goto IsFirstTime_1
            movf CountH,w
            movwf passarg1
            movf CapCh1_L,w
            subwf CountL,w
            btfss carry
            decf passarg1,f
            movf CapCh1_H,w
            subwf passarg1,w
            btfss carry
            goto $+2
            goto $+3
            bsf Out_1_Pin
            goto ButtonCheckEnds
            movf CapCh1_L,w
            addlw ReleaseThreshold_L
            subwf CountL,w
            btfss carry
            decf CountH,f
            movf CapCh1_H,w
            subwf CountH,w
            btfsc carry
            bcf Out_1_Pin

            movlw 0xff            ; Here is an interesting trick: The flip flop of the Tmr1 gate is now
            movwf tmr0            ; low, which means that even if TMR0 overflows, TMR1 will not count. So,
            btfss t1gcon,t1gval      ; i make TMR0 0xFF and let it run to quickly overflow. This way, the flip flop
            goto $-1            ; will be HIGH again, ready to check the next channel. This trick only saves
                              ; time. It is not very important, it will work without it, but hey, there must
                              ; be something to distinguish us from Arduino developers, right?

            CLRF TMR1L            ; Reset Timer1 module
            CLRF TMR1H            ;
            CLRF TMR0            ; Reset Timer0 module AND prescaller
            BSF T1CON,TMR1ON      ; Start Timer1
            bcf intcon,TMR0IF      ; Clear Tmr0IF flag (to re-enable TMR0 interrupt)
            retfie               ; RETurn From Interrupt

            ;Initializing Channel 1
            movlw PressThreshold_L   ; In this sub, the Press Threshold for each button
            subwf CountL,w         ; is calculated. This Press Threshold is calculated
            movwf CapCh1_L         ; by the Tmr1 count, minus a constant named
            movf CountH,w         ; PressThreshold_H:PressThreshold_L.
            btfss carry            ;
            decf CountH,w         ;
            movwf CapCh1_H         ;
            movlw PressThreshold_H   ;
            subwf CapCh1_H,f      ;
            goto ButtonCheckEnds   ;
                              ; All routines for button check are identical with the above
                              ; No need for additional comments
            ;Initializing Channel 2
            movlw PressThreshold_L
            subwf CountL,w
            movwf CapCh2_L
            movf CountH,w
            btfss carry
            decf CountH,w
            movwf CapCh2_H
            movlw PressThreshold_H
            subwf CapCh2_H,f
            goto ButtonCheckEnds
            ;Initializing Channel 3
            movlw PressThreshold_L
            subwf CountL,w
            movwf CapCh3_L
            movf CountH,w
            btfss carry
            decf CountH,w
            movwf CapCh3_H
            movlw PressThreshold_H
            subwf CapCh3_H,f
            goto ButtonCheckEnds
            ;Initializing Channel 4
            movlw PressThreshold_L
            subwf CountL,w
            movwf CapCh4_L
            movf CountH,w
            btfss carry
            decf CountH,w
            movwf CapCh4_H
            movlw PressThreshold_H
            subwf CapCh4_H,f
            goto ButtonCheckEnds

; -------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Microcontroller initialization
            include   ;Include the PIC Initialization routine

; Main Program ------------------------------------------------------------

            clrf PORTA            ; Clear all ports
            clrf PORTB            ;
            clrf PORTC            ;
            clrf PORTD            ;
            ;TRIS setup
            movlb 0x01            ; Go to bank 1
            movlw b'11111111'      ;
            movwf TRISA            ; Set the port pin types of the RA
            movlw b'11111111'      ;
            movwf TRISB            ; Set the port pin types of the RB
            movlw b'11110011'      ;
            movwf TRISC            ; Set the port pin types of the RC
            movlw b'11111100'      ;
            movwf TRISD            ; Set the port pin types of the RD
            movlb 0x00            ; Go to bank 0

            clrf CapCh1_H         ; Clear all RAM positions for Press Threshold
            clrf CapCh1_L         ; values. This way, the ISR will see that
            clrf CapCh2_H         ; these values are 0x00, and it will
            clrf CapCh2_L         ; run an initializing routine for each one
            clrf CapCh3_H         ; during which, the PressThreshold value
            clrf CapCh3_L         ; for each individual button will be
            clrf CapCh4_H         ; calculated on start-up
            clrf CapCh4_L         ;

            CLRF INTCON            ; Disable all interrupts
            bsf intcon,TMR0IE      ; Enable only the TMR0 overflow interrupt

            movlw b'10001100'      ; Setup capacitance module.
            movwf CPSCON0         ;
            movlw b'00000000'      ; Channel 0 (CPS0) is first to check.
            movwf CPSCON1         ; I call it channel 1. Icount from base 1, not 0.

            movlw b'11000101'      ; I use the capacitance module with TMR0 as timer.
            OPTION               ; So i have to set-it up through the Option Register
                              ; The prescaler is also connected to TMR0.
                              ; Bit 5: TMR0 Source is internal instruction clock (Fosc/4)
                              ; Bit 3: Prescaller assigned to TMR0 module
                              ; Bits <2:0>: Prescaller rate is 1:64

            movlw b'11000100'      ; Setup TMR1 module Control register
            movwf T1CON            ; Bits <7:6>: Timer 1 source is Capacitive Sensing Oscillator
                              ; Bits <5:4>: Prescaller is 1:1
                              ; Bit 3: LP oscillatos is deactivated
                              ; Bit 2: No synchronization
                              ; Bit 0: Timer 1 is stopped
            movlw b'11100001'      ; Setup Timer 1 Gate module
            movwf T1GCON         ; Bit 7: Gate controls the counting function of TMR1
                              ; Bit 6: Gate polarity is Active HIGH
                              ; Bit 5: Gate input is through Toggle FF
                              ; Bits <4:3>: No single pulse mode
                              ; Bits <1:0>: Gate source is Timer0 overflow
            CLRF TMR1L            ; Clear TMR1 High and Low registers
            CLRF TMR1H            ;
            CLRF TMR0            ; Clear TMR0 register AND prescaller
            BSF T1CON,TMR1ON      ; Start TMR1
            bsf intcon,gie         ; Enable global interrupts

Mainloop                        ; This is an infinate loop, only interrupted whenever
            goto MainLoop         ; a TMR0 overflow occures. When does, the program flow
                              ; goes to the ISR routine (org 0x04) which checks the
                              ; state of one button, and prepares the capacitance module
                              ; to check the state of the next button, the next time that
                              ; TMR0 overflows

                end             ; end of program


------------------------------------- Dosyası

            ;Set Clock
            movlb 0x01
            movlw b'01111000'
            movwf OSCCON
            movlb 0x00

            ;No ANSEL
            movlb 0x03
            clrf ANSELA
            clrf ANSELB
            clrf ANSELD
            clrf ANSELE
            movlb 0x00


Kolay gelsin picproje üyeleri.
Göndermiş olduğum kodu iyiki jal'a çevirmediniz.  Cevap  beklemeden sıkıldım ve PIC Assembly öğrenmeye karar verdim.  3 günlük sıkı bir çalışmayla PIC Assembly ın tamamını öğrenmiş bulunmaktayım ve kodlara baktığımda çok basit olduğunu gördüm ve 15 dakikada Jal'a çevirdim. Daha önceden diğer dillerden çevirileri yapabiliyordum fakat PIC Assembly zor olduğunu düşünüyordum.  Aslında Pic temelinin çok basit olduğunu keşfetmiş bulunmaktayım. Hatta jal içinde Assembly komutları kullanarak daha fazla boş alan yaratıyorum.
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