Sound recorder programının benzerini Delphi ile yazmak

Başlatan z, 27 Aralık 2015, 22:33:15


Delphi ile soundrecorder programı yazmak istiyorum. Asıl amacın ses kartındaki ADC nin ürettiği sayısal değerlerine ulaşmak.

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Wave Audio Package

Paketi indir:

Canlı dataya erişmek için WaveAudio paket içerisindeki LiveAudio bileşeni kullanılır.
Bu component ile , gelen data bufferdan okunur, vumetre, skop, gibi amaçla kullanılır. istenirse hemen sıkıştırılır, paketler halinde ağ üzerinden gönderilir. Bir nevi yayın. Network radyosu, anons sistemi vs. yapilir.

Wave Audio Package

Using the Wave Audio package you can easily play audio from (or recording audio to) file, any TStream descendant stream, or even raw audio buffers. In addition, by this package doing tasks, for example, like merging, mixing, or format conversion of waves are as easy as a function call. The wave audio package has also a mixer component, so that you can easily control Windows mixer from your application.
Here is the list of all components in the Wave Audio package:

  • TMultimediaTimer
    Is a high resolution timer.
  • TAudioMixer
    Provides an easy interface to manage audio mixer controls.
  • TWaveStorage
    Stores a single wave audio and provides some basic manipulation functions.
  • TWaveCollection
    Stores a collection of wave audio's as resource and provides access to their informational fields.
  • TAudioPlayer
    Plays a wave audio, which is stored in the component.
  • TAudioRecorder
    Records wave audio and stores it in the component.
  • TStockAudioPlayer
    Plays wave audio from a TWaveStorage or TWaveCollection component, a stream, or a file.
  • TStockAudioRecorder
    Records wave audio to a TWaveStorage or TWaveCollection component, a stream, or a file.
  • TLiveAudioPlayer
    Plays wave audio from user defined buffers.
  • TLiveAudioRecorder
    Records wave audio to user defined buffers.
  • TAudioRedirector
    Records wave audio from an input audio device and plays it back on another output audio device.
Besides those mentioned components, the Wave Audio package has a set of useful functions for managing waves.