STM32F407VG MP3 Player Sorunu

Başlatan yuc0, 18 Aralık 2013, 15:06:05


merhabalar, bu linkteki dokümanı kullanarak mp3 çalar uygulamasını gerçekleştirmeye çalışıyorum. Projeye dosyaları dahil ettikten sonra aldığım hatalar ekteki gibidir.Sorun nerde çözemedim maalesef.
Build target 'Target 1'
compiling main.c...
..\src\Audio.h(23): warning:  #1295-D: Deprecated declaration AudioOn - give arg types
..\src\Audio.h(24): warning:  #1295-D: Deprecated declaration AudioOff - give arg types
..\src\Audio.h(36): warning:  #1295-D: Deprecated declaration StopAudio - give arg types
..\src\main.c(242): error:  #29: expected an expression
..\src\main.c(242): error:  #20: identifier "i" is undefined
..\src\main.c(350): error:  #268: declaration may not appear after executable statement in block
..\src\main.c(351): error:  #268: declaration may not appear after executable statement in block
..\src\main.c(369): error:  #268: declaration may not appear after executable statement in block
..\src\main.c(374): error:  #268: declaration may not appear after executable statement in block
..\src\main.c(381): error:  #268: declaration may not appear after executable statement in block
..\src\main.c(393): error:  #268: declaration may not appear after executable statement in block
..\src\main.c(395): error:  #268: declaration may not appear after executable statement in block
..\src\main.c(396): error:  #268: declaration may not appear after executable statement in block
compiling Audio.c...
..\src\Audio.h(23): warning:  #1295-D: Deprecated declaration AudioOn - give arg types
..\src\Audio.h(24): warning:  #1295-D: Deprecated declaration AudioOff - give arg types
..\src\Audio.h(36): warning:  #1295-D: Deprecated declaration StopAudio - give arg types
..\src\Audio.c(8): warning:  #1295-D: Deprecated declaration StartAudioDMAAndRequestBuffers - give arg types
..\src\Audio.c(9): warning:  #1295-D: Deprecated declaration StopAudioDMA - give arg types
..\src\Audio.c(82): error:  #29: expected an expression
..\src\Audio.c(82): error:  #20: identifier "i" is undefined
..\src\Audio.c(92): error:  #268: declaration may not appear after executable statement in block
..\src\Audio.c(98): error:  #268: declaration may not appear after executable statement in block
..\src\Audio.c(99): error:  #268: declaration may not appear after executable statement in block
Target not created

#include "main.h"
#include "core_cm4.h"
#include "stm32f4xx_conf.h"
#include "mp3dec.h"
#include "Audio.h"
#include <string.h>

// Macros
#define f_tell(fp)		((fp)->fptr)
#define BUTTON			(GPIOA->IDR & GPIO_Pin_0)

// Variables
volatile uint32_t		time_var1, time_var2;
RCC_ClocksTypeDef		RCC_Clocks;
volatile int			enum_done = 0;

// MP3 Variables
MP3FrameInfo			mp3FrameInfo;
HMP3Decoder				hMP3Decoder;
FIL						file;
char					file_read_buffer[FILE_READ_BUFFER_SIZE];
volatile int			bytes_left;
char					*read_ptr;

// Private function prototypes
static void AudioCallback(void *context,int buffer);
static uint32_t Mp3ReadId3V2Tag(FIL* pInFile, char* pszArtist,
		uint32_t unArtistSize, char* pszTitle, uint32_t unTitleSize);
static void play_mp3(char* filename);
static FRESULT play_directory (const char* path, unsigned char seek);

 * Main function. Called when startup code is done with
 * copying memory and setting up clocks.
int main(void) {
	GPIO_InitTypeDef  GPIO_InitStructure;

	// SysTick interrupt each 1ms
	SysTick_Config(RCC_Clocks.HCLK_Frequency / 1000);

	// GPIOD Peripheral clock enable
	RCC_AHB1PeriphClockCmd(RCC_AHB1Periph_GPIOD, ENABLE);

	// Configure PD12, PD13, PD14 and PD15 in output pushpull mode
	GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Pin = GPIO_Pin_12 | GPIO_Pin_13| GPIO_Pin_14| GPIO_Pin_15;
	GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Mode = GPIO_Mode_OUT;
	GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_OType = GPIO_OType_PP;
	GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Speed = GPIO_Speed_100MHz;
	GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_PuPd = GPIO_PuPd_NOPULL;
	GPIO_Init(GPIOD, &GPIO_InitStructure);

	// Initialize USB Host Library
	USBH_Init(&USB_OTG_Core, USB_OTG_FS_CORE_ID, &USB_Host, &USBH_MSC_cb, &USR_Callbacks);

	for(;;) {
		USBH_Process(&USB_OTG_Core, &USB_Host);

		if (enum_done >= 2) {
			enum_done = 0;
			play_directory("", 0);

const char *get_filename_ext(const char *filename) {
    const char *dot = strrchr(filename, '.');
    if(!dot || dot == filename) return "";
    return dot + 1;

static FRESULT play_directory (const char* path, unsigned char seek) {
	DIR dir;
	char *fn; /* This function is assuming non-Unicode cfg. */
	char buffer[200];
#if _USE_LFN
	static char lfn[_MAX_LFN + 1];
	fno.lfname = lfn;
	fno.lfsize = sizeof(lfn);

	res = f_opendir(&dir, path); /* Open the directory */
	if (res == FR_OK) {
		for (;;) {
			res = f_readdir(&dir, &fno); /* Read a directory item */
			if (res != FR_OK || fno.fname[0] == 0) break; /* Break on error or end of dir */
			if (fno.fname[0] == '.') continue; /* Ignore dot entry */
#if _USE_LFN
			fn = *fno.lfname ? fno.lfname : fno.fname;
			fn = fno.fname;
			if (fno.fattrib & AM_DIR) { /* It is a directory */

			} else { /* It is a file. */
				sprintf(buffer, "%s/%s", path, fn);

				// Check if it is an mp3 file
				if (strcmp("mp3", get_filename_ext(buffer)) == 0) {

					// Skip "seek" number of mp3 files...
					if (seek) {


	return res;

static void play_mp3(char* filename) {
	unsigned int br, btr;

	bytes_left = FILE_READ_BUFFER_SIZE;
	read_ptr = file_read_buffer;

	if (FR_OK == f_open(&file, filename, FA_OPEN_EXISTING | FA_READ)) {

		// Read ID3v2 Tag
		char szArtist[120];
		char szTitle[120];
		Mp3ReadId3V2Tag(&file, szArtist, sizeof(szArtist), szTitle, sizeof(szTitle));

		// Fill buffer
		f_read(&file, file_read_buffer, FILE_READ_BUFFER_SIZE, &br);

		// Play mp3
		hMP3Decoder = MP3InitDecoder();
		PlayAudioWithCallback(AudioCallback, 0);

		for(;;) {
			 * If past half of buffer, refill...
			 * When bytes_left changes, the audio callback has just been executed. This
			 * means that there should be enough time to copy the end of the buffer
			 * to the beginning and update the pointer before the next audio callback.
			 * Getting audio callbacks while the next part of the file is read from the
			 * file system should not cause problems.
			if (bytes_left < (FILE_READ_BUFFER_SIZE / 2)) {
				// Copy rest of data to beginning of read buffer
				memcpy(file_read_buffer, read_ptr, bytes_left);

				// Update read pointer for audio sampling
				read_ptr = file_read_buffer;

				// Read next part of file
				btr = FILE_READ_BUFFER_SIZE - bytes_left;
				res = f_read(&file, file_read_buffer + bytes_left, btr, &br);

				// Update the bytes left variable
				bytes_left = FILE_READ_BUFFER_SIZE;

				// Out of data or error or user button... Stop playback!
				if (br < btr || res != FR_OK || BUTTON) {

					// Re-initialize and set volume to avoid noise

					// Close currently open file

					// Wait for user button release

					// Return to previous function

 * Called by the audio driver when it is time to provide data to
 * one of the audio buffers (while the other buffer is sent to the
 * CODEC using DMA). One mp3 frame is decoded at a time and
 * provided to the audio driver.
static void AudioCallback(void *context, int buffer) {
	static int16_t audio_buffer0[4096];
	static int16_t audio_buffer1[4096];

	int offset, err;
	int outOfData = 0;

	int16_t *samples;
	if (buffer) {
		samples = audio_buffer0;
		GPIO_SetBits(GPIOD, GPIO_Pin_13);
		GPIO_ResetBits(GPIOD, GPIO_Pin_14);
	} else {
		samples = audio_buffer1;
		GPIO_SetBits(GPIOD, GPIO_Pin_14);
		GPIO_ResetBits(GPIOD, GPIO_Pin_13);

	offset = MP3FindSyncWord((unsigned char*)read_ptr, bytes_left);
	bytes_left -= offset;
	read_ptr += offset;

	err = MP3Decode(hMP3Decoder, (unsigned char**)&read_ptr, (int*)&bytes_left, samples, 0);

	if (err) {
		/* error occurred */
		switch (err) {
			outOfData = 1;
			/* do nothing - next call to decode will provide more mainData */
			outOfData = 1;
	} else {
		// no error
		MP3GetLastFrameInfo(hMP3Decoder, &mp3FrameInfo);

		// Duplicate data in case of mono to maintain playback speed
		if (mp3FrameInfo.nChans == 1) {
			for(int i = mp3FrameInfo.outputSamps;i >= 0;i--) 	{
				samples[2 * i]=samples[i];
				samples[2 * i + 1]=samples[i];
			mp3FrameInfo.outputSamps *= 2;

	if (!outOfData) {
		ProvideAudioBuffer(samples, mp3FrameInfo.outputSamps);

 * Called by the SysTick interrupt
void TimingDelay_Decrement(void) {
	if (time_var1) {

 * Delay a number of systick cycles (1ms)
void Delay(volatile uint32_t nTime) {
	time_var1 = nTime;

 * Dummy function to avoid compiler error
void _init() {


 * Taken from
static uint32_t Mp3ReadId3V2Text(FIL* pInFile, uint32_t unDataLen, char* pszBuffer, uint32_t unBufferSize)
	UINT unRead = 0;
	BYTE byEncoding = 0;
	if((f_read(pInFile, &byEncoding, 1, &unRead) == FR_OK) && (unRead == 1))
		if(unDataLen <= (unBufferSize - 1))
			if((f_read(pInFile, pszBuffer, unDataLen, &unRead) == FR_OK) ||
					(unRead == unDataLen))
				if(byEncoding == 0)
					// ISO-8859-1 multibyte
					// just add a terminating zero
					pszBuffer[unDataLen] = 0;
				else if(byEncoding == 1)
					// UTF16LE unicode
					uint32_t r = 0;
					uint32_t w = 0;
					if((unDataLen > 2) && (pszBuffer[0] == 0xFF) && (pszBuffer[1] == 0xFE))
						// ignore BOM, assume LE
						r = 2;
					for(; r < unDataLen; r += 2, w += 1)
						// should be acceptable for 7 bit ascii
						pszBuffer[w] = pszBuffer[r];
					pszBuffer[w] = 0;
				return 1;
			// we won't read a partial text
			if(f_lseek(pInFile, f_tell(pInFile) + unDataLen) != FR_OK)
				return 1;
		return 1;
	return 0;

 * Taken from
static uint32_t Mp3ReadId3V2Tag(FIL* pInFile, char* pszArtist, uint32_t unArtistSize, char* pszTitle, uint32_t unTitleSize)
	pszArtist[0] = 0;
	pszTitle[0] = 0;

	BYTE id3hd[10];
	UINT unRead = 0;
	if((f_read(pInFile, id3hd, 10, &unRead) != FR_OK) || (unRead != 10))
		return 1;
		uint32_t unSkip = 0;
		if((unRead == 10) &&
				(id3hd[0] == 'I') &&
				(id3hd[1] == 'D') &&
				(id3hd[2] == '3'))
			unSkip += 10;
			unSkip = ((id3hd[6] & 0x7f) << 21) | ((id3hd[7] & 0x7f) << 14) | ((id3hd[8] & 0x7f) << 7) | (id3hd[9] & 0x7f);

			// try to get some information from the tag
			// skip the extended header, if present
			uint8_t unVersion = id3hd[3];
			if(id3hd[5] & 0x40)
				BYTE exhd[4];
				f_read(pInFile, exhd, 4, &unRead);
				size_t unExHdrSkip = ((exhd[0] & 0x7f) << 21) | ((exhd[1] & 0x7f) << 14) | ((exhd[2] & 0x7f) << 7) | (exhd[3] & 0x7f);
				unExHdrSkip -= 4;
				if(f_lseek(pInFile, f_tell(pInFile) + unExHdrSkip) != FR_OK)
					return 1;
			uint32_t nFramesToRead = 2;
			while(nFramesToRead > 0)
				char frhd[10];
				if((f_read(pInFile, frhd, 10, &unRead) != FR_OK) || (unRead != 10))
					return 1;
				if((frhd[0] == 0) || (strncmp(frhd, "3DI", 3) == 0))
				char szFrameId[5] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
				memcpy(szFrameId, frhd, 4);
				uint32_t unFrameSize = 0;
				uint32_t i = 0;
				for(; i < 4; i++)
					if(unVersion == 3)
						// ID3v2.3
						unFrameSize <<= 8;
						unFrameSize += frhd[i + 4];
					if(unVersion == 4)
						// ID3v2.4
						unFrameSize <<= 7;
						unFrameSize += frhd[i + 4] & 0x7F;

				if(strcmp(szFrameId, "TPE1") == 0)
					// artist
					if(Mp3ReadId3V2Text(pInFile, unFrameSize, pszArtist, unArtistSize) != 0)
				else if(strcmp(szFrameId, "TIT2") == 0)
					// title
					if(Mp3ReadId3V2Text(pInFile, unFrameSize, pszTitle, unTitleSize) != 0)
					if(f_lseek(pInFile, f_tell(pInFile) + unFrameSize) != FR_OK)
						return 1;
		if(f_lseek(pInFile, unSkip) != FR_OK)
			return 1;

	return 0;

#include "Audio.h"
#include "stm32f4xx_conf.h"
#include "stm32f4xx.h"

#include <stdlib.h>

static void WriteRegister(uint8_t address, uint8_t value);
static void StartAudioDMAAndRequestBuffers();
static void StopAudioDMA();

static AudioCallbackFunction *CallbackFunction;
static void *CallbackContext;
static int16_t * volatile NextBufferSamples;
static volatile int NextBufferLength;
static volatile int BufferNumber;
static volatile bool DMARunning;

void InitializeAudio(int plln, int pllr, int i2sdiv, int i2sodd) {
	GPIO_InitTypeDef  GPIO_InitStructure;

	// Intitialize state.
	CallbackFunction = NULL;
	CallbackContext = NULL;
	NextBufferSamples = NULL;
	NextBufferLength = 0;
	BufferNumber = 0;
	DMARunning = false;

	// Turn on peripherals.
	RCC_AHB1PeriphClockCmd(RCC_AHB1Periph_GPIOA, ENABLE);
	RCC_AHB1PeriphClockCmd(RCC_AHB1Periph_GPIOB, ENABLE);
	RCC_AHB1PeriphClockCmd(RCC_AHB1Periph_GPIOC, ENABLE);
	RCC_AHB1PeriphClockCmd(RCC_AHB1Periph_GPIOD, ENABLE);
	RCC_AHB1PeriphClockCmd(RCC_AHB1Periph_DMA1, ENABLE);

	RCC_APB1PeriphClockCmd(RCC_APB1Periph_I2C1, ENABLE);
	RCC_APB1PeriphClockCmd(RCC_APB1Periph_SPI3, ENABLE);

	// Configure reset pin.
	GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Pin = GPIO_Pin_4;;
	GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Mode = GPIO_Mode_OUT;
	GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_OType = GPIO_OType_PP;
	GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Speed = GPIO_Speed_50MHz;
	GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_PuPd = GPIO_PuPd_NOPULL;
	GPIO_Init(GPIOD, &GPIO_InitStructure);

	// Configure I2C SCL and SDA pins.
	GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Pin = GPIO_Pin_6 | GPIO_Pin_9;
	GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Speed = GPIO_Speed_50MHz;
	GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Mode = GPIO_Mode_AF;
	GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_OType = GPIO_OType_OD;
	GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_PuPd = GPIO_PuPd_NOPULL;
	GPIO_Init(GPIOB, &GPIO_InitStructure);

	GPIO_PinAFConfig(GPIOB, GPIO_PinSource6, GPIO_AF_I2C1);
	GPIO_PinAFConfig(GPIOB, GPIO_PinSource9, GPIO_AF_I2C1);

	// Configure I2S MCK, SCK, SD pins.
	GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Pin = GPIO_Pin_7 | GPIO_Pin_10 | GPIO_Pin_12;
	GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Speed = GPIO_Speed_50MHz;
	GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Mode = GPIO_Mode_AF;
	GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_OType = GPIO_OType_PP;
	GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_PuPd = GPIO_PuPd_NOPULL;
	GPIO_Init(GPIOC, &GPIO_InitStructure);

	GPIO_PinAFConfig(GPIOC, GPIO_PinSource7, GPIO_AF_SPI3);
	GPIO_PinAFConfig(GPIOC, GPIO_PinSource10, GPIO_AF_SPI3);
	GPIO_PinAFConfig(GPIOC, GPIO_PinSource12, GPIO_AF_SPI3);

	// Configure I2S WS pin.
	GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Pin = GPIO_Pin_4;
	GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Speed = GPIO_Speed_50MHz;
	GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Mode = GPIO_Mode_AF;
	GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_OType = GPIO_OType_PP;
	GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_PuPd = GPIO_PuPd_NOPULL;
	GPIO_Init(GPIOA, &GPIO_InitStructure);

	GPIO_PinAFConfig(GPIOA, GPIO_PinSource4, GPIO_AF_SPI3);

	// Reset the codec.
	GPIOD ->BSRRH = 1 << 4;
	for (volatile int i = 0; i < 0x4fff; i++) {
		__asm__ volatile("nop");
	GPIOD ->BSRRL = 1 << 4;

	// Reset I2C.
	RCC_APB1PeriphResetCmd(RCC_APB1Periph_I2C1, ENABLE);
	RCC_APB1PeriphResetCmd(RCC_APB1Periph_I2C1, DISABLE);

	// Configure I2C.
	uint32_t pclk1 = 42000000;

	I2C1 ->CR2 = pclk1 / 1000000; // Configure frequency and disable interrupts and DMA.
	I2C1 ->OAR1 = I2C_OAR1_ADDMODE | 0x33;

	// Configure I2C speed in standard mode.
	const uint32_t i2c_speed = 100000;
	int ccrspeed = pclk1 / (i2c_speed * 2);
	if (ccrspeed < 4) {
		ccrspeed = 4;
	I2C1 ->CCR = ccrspeed;
	I2C1 ->TRISE = pclk1 / 1000000 + 1;

	I2C1 ->CR1 = I2C_CR1_ACK | I2C_CR1_PE; // Enable and configure the I2C peripheral.

	// Configure codec.
	WriteRegister(0x02, 0x01); // Keep codec powered off.
	WriteRegister(0x04, 0xaf); // SPK always off and HP always on.

	WriteRegister(0x05, 0x81); // Clock configuration: Auto detection.
	WriteRegister(0x06, 0x04); // Set slave mode and Philips audio standard.


	// Power on the codec.
	WriteRegister(0x02, 0x9e);

	// Configure codec for fast shutdown.
	WriteRegister(0x0a, 0x00); // Disable the analog soft ramp.
	WriteRegister(0x0e, 0x04); // Disable the digital soft ramp.

	WriteRegister(0x27, 0x00); // Disable the limiter attack level.
	WriteRegister(0x1f, 0x0f); // Adjust bass and treble levels.

	WriteRegister(0x1a, 0x0a); // Adjust PCM volume level.
	WriteRegister(0x1b, 0x0a);

	// Disable I2S.
	SPI3 ->I2SCFGR = 0;

	// I2S clock configuration
	RCC ->CFGR &= ~RCC_CFGR_I2SSRC; // PLLI2S clock used as I2S clock source.
	RCC ->PLLI2SCFGR = (pllr << 28) | (plln << 6);

	// Enable PLLI2S and wait until it is ready.
	while (!(RCC ->CR & RCC_CR_PLLI2SRDY ))

	// Configure I2S.
	SPI3 ->I2SPR = i2sdiv | (i2sodd << 8) | SPI_I2SPR_MCKOE;
			| SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SE; // Master transmitter, Phillips mode, 16 bit values, clock polarity low, enable.


void AudioOn() {
	WriteRegister(0x02, 0x9e);
			| SPI_I2SCFGR_I2SE; // Master transmitter, Phillips mode, 16 bit values, clock polarity low, enable.

void AudioOff() {
	WriteRegister(0x02, 0x01);
	SPI3 ->I2SCFGR = 0;

void SetAudioVolume(int volume) {
	WriteRegister(0x20, (volume + 0x19) & 0xff);
	WriteRegister(0x21, (volume + 0x19) & 0xff);

void OutputAudioSample(int16_t sample) {
	while (!(SPI3 ->SR & SPI_SR_TXE ))
	SPI3 ->DR = sample;

void OutputAudioSampleWithoutBlocking(int16_t sample) {
	SPI3 ->DR = sample;

void PlayAudioWithCallback(AudioCallbackFunction *callback, void *context) {

	NVIC_SetPriority(DMA1_Stream7_IRQn, 4);

	SPI3 ->CR2 |= SPI_CR2_TXDMAEN; // Enable I2S TX DMA request.

	CallbackFunction = callback;
	CallbackContext = context;
	BufferNumber = 0;

	if (CallbackFunction)
		CallbackFunction(CallbackContext, BufferNumber);

void StopAudio() {
	SPI3 ->CR2 &= ~SPI_CR2_TXDMAEN; // Disable I2S TX DMA request.
	CallbackFunction = NULL;

void ProvideAudioBuffer(void *samples, int numsamples) {
	while (!ProvideAudioBufferWithoutBlocking(samples, numsamples))
		__asm__ volatile ("wfi");

bool ProvideAudioBufferWithoutBlocking(void *samples, int numsamples) {
	if (NextBufferSamples)
		return false;


	NextBufferSamples = samples;
	NextBufferLength = numsamples;

	if (!DMARunning)


	return true;

static void WriteRegister(uint8_t address, uint8_t value) {
	while (I2C1 ->SR2 & I2C_SR2_BUSY )

	I2C1 ->CR1 |= I2C_CR1_START; // Start the transfer sequence.
	while (!(I2C1 ->SR1 & I2C_SR1_SB ))
		; // Wait for start bit.

	I2C1 ->DR = 0x94;
	while (!(I2C1 ->SR1 & I2C_SR1_ADDR ))
		; // Wait for master transmitter mode.
	I2C1 ->SR2;

	I2C1 ->DR = address; // Transmit the address to write to.
	while (!(I2C1 ->SR1 & I2C_SR1_TXE ))
		; // Wait for byte to move to shift register.

	I2C1 ->DR = value; // Transmit the value.

	while (!(I2C1 ->SR1 & I2C_SR1_BTF ))
		; // Wait for all bytes to finish.
	I2C1 ->CR1 |= I2C_CR1_STOP; // End the transfer sequence.

static void StartAudioDMAAndRequestBuffers() {
	// Configure DMA stream.
	DMA1_Stream7 ->CR = (0 * DMA_SxCR_CHSEL_0 ) | // Channel 0
			(1 * DMA_SxCR_PL_0 ) | // Priority 1
			(1 * DMA_SxCR_PSIZE_0 ) | // PSIZE = 16 bit
			(1 * DMA_SxCR_MSIZE_0 ) | // MSIZE = 16 bit
			DMA_SxCR_MINC | // Increase memory address
			(1 * DMA_SxCR_DIR_0 ) | // Memory to peripheral
			DMA_SxCR_TCIE; // Transfer complete interrupt
	DMA1_Stream7 ->NDTR = NextBufferLength;
	DMA1_Stream7 ->PAR = (uint32_t) &SPI3 ->DR;
	DMA1_Stream7 ->M0AR = (uint32_t) NextBufferSamples;
	DMA1_Stream7 ->FCR = DMA_SxFCR_DMDIS;
	DMA1_Stream7 ->CR |= DMA_SxCR_EN;

	// Update state.
	NextBufferSamples = NULL;
	BufferNumber ^= 1;
	DMARunning = true;

	// Invoke callback if it exists to queue up another buffer.
	if (CallbackFunction)
		CallbackFunction(CallbackContext, BufferNumber);

static void StopAudioDMA() {
	DMA1_Stream7 ->CR &= ~DMA_SxCR_EN; // Disable DMA stream.
	while (DMA1_Stream7 ->CR & DMA_SxCR_EN )
		; // Wait for DMA stream to stop.

	DMARunning = false;

void DMA1_Stream7_IRQHandler() {
	DMA1 ->HIFCR |= DMA_HIFCR_CTCIF7; // Clear interrupt flag.

	if (NextBufferSamples) {
	} else {
		DMARunning = false;